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Basic Troubleshooting

Sometimes software doesn't work as expected. Here are some basic troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve issues.

  1. Check the console: Open up the developer tools in your browser and check for any error messages in the console. This can often give you clues about what's going wrong.

  2. Verify dependencies: Make sure that all the dependencies are up to date and properly installed.

  3. Check code: Double-check the code to make sure there are no syntax errors or typos.

  4. Check the network: Ensure that network requests are being sent and received properly.

  5. Test in different browsers: Test the website in different browsers to see if the issue is browser-specific.

  6. Restart the development server: Sometimes, simply restarting the development server can resolve issues.

  7. Use debug tools: Use debugging tools like React Developer Tools and Redux DevTools to trace the issue.

  8. Check the server: If the issue is related to the server, check the server logs to see if there are any errors or issues on the server side.

  9. Ask for help on Discord: If you're still stuck, ask for help on the HackPortal Discord in the help forum.