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Sidebar Generation

The sidebar will display h1 and h2 headings, with the h2 tags nested under their respective h1 tag. This will differ in generation methods based on how you generate your main content. The sidebar is automatically generated if content is either rendered from Markdown or from Notion.

  • If the mainContent attribute is set to markdown, the sidebar will be generated based on # [main headings] and ## [subheadings] as the h1 and h2 tags.
  • If the mainContent attribute is set to notion, the sidebar will be generated based on Notion's Heading 1 and Heading 2 blocks.

NOTE: Pages should contain a main heading (# [heading name] or Notion's Heading 1) first to generate the sidebar correctly, as subheadings are nested under the main headings.

Unfortunately, there is no good way to read hardcoded HTML and generate a sidebar, so if you have a custom HTML page, you will need to modify the sidebar-content.json file to generate a working sidebar.